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How Social Media Advertising Will Develop Next Year

How Social Media Advertising Will Develop Next Year

Social media advertising is on the rise, and it's continuing to grow. There are more social media ads than ever before, and the trend doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. What does this mean for your business? If you haven't been paying attention yet then now is a good time to start!

This blog post will provide an overview of what we can expect from social media advertising in 2022 so you know how to prepare yourself for next year.

online marketing facebook advertising facebook advertisement facebook engagement shopping cart t20 rRe4ZdThe Rise Of Social Video Ads for Social Media Advertising

If there was one particular ad type that took off last year it would have to be video ads! We saw them everywhere throughout Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram Stories. The reason behind these huge numbers has everything to do with user engagement; people just love watching videos!

The Rise Of Live Video Content for Social Media Advertising

Another type of ad that is growing exponentially in popularity is live video ads. If you have ever used Facebook or Instagram live then you can have already seen these types of ads before scrolling through the newsfeed. What makes them unique from normal video advertisements is how they are still somewhat new and many people seem drawn towards trying them out.

Stories for Social Media Advertising

The next way it will continue to grow is through the use of Stories. It's already starting to happen on Instagram and Snapchat, but you can expect this trend will continue throughout Facebook. The reason behind these huge numbers has everything to do with user engagement; people just love watching videos!


These types of ads will continue to become more popular year after year. They're a great way for companies and brands to get their name out there, even if they can't afford the high prices it takes to implement traditional advertising strategies through radio or print media.

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